Robot Company Vision Statements

This is a survey of company vision / mission statements that sell robotic systems. ABB– “ABB’s purpose is to enable a more sustainable and resource-efficient future with our technology leadership in electrification and automation.” FANUC– “Vision”,”To provide indispensable values throughout the world through incessant technological innovations in the field of factory automation, and to continue … Read more

Doing Things Better

Humans have amazing abilities. Highly dexterous hands, joints that can rotate and flex to many angles, highly adept sense of balance, and the ability to hone and polish muscle movements to accomplish tasks in incredible ways. And the more a person can get done in a shorter amount of time, while still doing a good … Read more

The Why: Do Anything from Anywhere?

The idea of Do Anything from Anywhere is the idea to enable any physical work to be done from anywhere remotely. What would be the advantages of this capability? AdvantagesFor Businesses– Labor Access– Physical Security / Access Control For the General Public– much greater access to jobs For Societies as a Whole– Potentially near universal … Read more